Treat Your Double Chin With Kybella

Treat Your Double Chin With Kybella a

Double chins, also known as submental fat, can be a fact of life regardless of age, lifestyle, or skin quality. That said, Kybella is a non-surgical injection that dissolves fat cells. The FDA approved it in 2015 for treating the submental region, meaning the area between your chin and neck.

How Does Kybella Work?

When a practitioner injects Kybella into the submental area (the chin), it kills fat cells, reducing the appearance of a double chin. The FDA has only approved Kybella for use in this area in which it uses the synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a bile acid, that is naturally produced by the body to absorb fat. 

Once Kybella is injected, the acid destroys fat cells beneath the chin area, so it can’t store fat anymore. People often choose Kybella because it’s a non-surgical option for excess chin fat removal and has a lower recovery time than surgical procedures with fewer risks.

Can Kybella Treat Fat Anywhere Else?

Kybella isn’t exclusive to the under-chin area. Kybella works the same way in other parts of the body, including:

  • Jowls
  • Bra fat
  • Abdomen fat
  • Under-arm fat
  • Back fat

What To Expect With Kybella®?

Most importantly, plan the Kybella treatment with the healthcare through consultation. Since this is a non-surgical procedure, little preparation is required, but it is advisable to schedule the procedure well before any major events. Before the treatment, it is suggested to wash the face properly to help reduce the risk of infection, and avoiding ibuprofen and acetaminophen can prevent post-treatment bruising.

Also, the healthcare provider will examine the area under and around the chin to determine if Kybella® is the right treatment. It is best to discuss the medical history and any cosmetic procedures are done on the face, neck, or chin. Then, the specialist will tailor the treatment to the amount of fat under the chin and aesthetic goals. 

A Kybella®-trained healthcare specialist can only administer the Kybella® treatment. At each treatment, an individual will receive multiple small injections under the chin, which takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Moreover, the exact number of injections will depend on the amount of fat under the chin and the desired profile.

What Are The Benefits Of Kybella Treatments?

Kybella treatments have many benefits, including:

  • The technique is safe and minimally invasive. It consists of a series of small injections under the chin. Like any FDA-approved drug, the injection has been studied extensively before its release. Through the hands of a qualified injector, Kybella® is a notably safe treatment that only destroys the fat cells without injuring the skin and other tissue.
  • The results are intended to be permanent. Kybella® destroys the fat cells, which the body gradually flushes out through its excretory and lymphatic system. Once the body has flushed out the dead fat cells, it will not produce new ones. Hence, expect results that last a lifetime.
  • The procedure is fast. Once the quick procedure is done, there is practically no downtime before patients can return to their regular activities.
  • The injectable may help promote a more youthful appearance. Kybella® works best for patients with good skin elasticity or shrinkage because it can redrape well to the new contour once the body has flushed out all the dead fat cells. And with reduced submental fat, one can expect a smoother chin-neck transition, one of the hallmarks of a youthful face.

The benefits and results of this injectable treatment will vary for each individual and their goals.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Kybella?

The suitable candidate for Kybella is a patient with a modest amount of submental fullness who prefers a non-surgical approach. They should also remember what Kybella does and doesn’t treat: Kybella treats fat pockets, not skin laxity (excess or loose skin), which is an important distinction to make. It is best to consult a doctor to evaluate and determine the extent of excess fat versus lax skin, depending on the unique anatomic characteristics and desired outcome.

Is Kybella A Safe Procedure?

It is vital to note that Kybella is meant for adults 18 years and above. Also, the conditions such as difficulty swallowing, bleeding problems, weak facial muscles, and infections under the chin aren’t advised to receive the Kybella injection. Additionally, Kybella may not be a good choice for those with a lot of sagging skin since this is meant for people with excess submental fat.

Nonetheless, it is best to tell the provider about any medical history, prior aesthetic or surgical treatment in the area where the Kybella injection is about to get, as well as any scar tissue that may impact results. Kybella can typically be used with other treatments, but talk to the provider to ensure.

Moreover, the most common side effects of Kybella® include the following: 

  • Injection site reactions
  • Swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness
  • Itching, warmth, hardness
  • Tingling or burning sensation
  • Skin tightness
  • Nerve injury
  • Headache
  • Mouth or throat pain
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty swallowing

When Will I See The Result After The Kybella Treatment?

The fat is dissolved within 10-15 minutes of injection. However, an inflammatory response is induced that causes swelling and takes 3-4 weeks to subside. The final result can be seen for approximately 1-3 months following the injection.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

The aesthetic provider will customize your KYBELLA® treatment regimen based on the desired chin profile, including how many treatments are needed. In fact, many Kybella patients experience visible results in 2 to 4 treatment sessions. 

During these sessions, the provider will administer Kybella® into the fat under the chin using multiple injections. Up to 6 treatment sessions may be administered spaced no less than one month apart.

The Bottom Line

Kybella® is a revolutionary non-surgical way to address the cosmetic condition known as a double chin. Auri Aesthetics offers Kybella, a treatment for excess fat under the chin or a double chin, then you may feel a bit self-conscious about your profile and overall appearance. Ultimately, once Kybella is injected into the fat under the chin, it works to dissolve the fat and leave you with a more defined profile.

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