

Statistics suggest that hair loss affects millions of men and women in our country. If you are one of them, chances are you are looking for a solution that will meet your needs. We are proud to offer an emergent treatment that has quickly developed a proven track record of success: NGF therapy.


NGF is platelet-rich plasma, a product that is present in the blood. Platelet-rich plasma is a nutrient-dense fluid that stimulates cellular regeneration within microenvironments like the hair follicles, joints, and also the skin. Platelets are robust cells that contain numerous growth factors, each of which is involved in certain cellular processes.

Platelet-rich plasma has a long history of medicinal use related to tissue healing and regeneration. It is no surprise that this therapy has made its way into the field of hair restoration.

How does NGF work for hair restoration?

The primary purpose of NGF treatment for hair loss is to stimulate activity in the hair follicles. This may prompt an active phase of hair growth in follicles that have become inactive. NGF injections into the scalp may also support the active phase of newly implanted hair follicles. This occurs through the action of various growth factors.

Platelets contain:

  • Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), which is involved in fibrin formation, blood vessel growth, and cell regeneration.
  • Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), involved in the formation of new blood vessels.
  • Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2) is also involved in blood vessel formation, as well as the generation of specialized cells that heal and rejuvenate.
  • Transforming Growth-Factor-Beta (TGF-b) is involved in bone metabolism in the body as well as matrix formation between cells.
  • Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) stimulates collagen proliferation and cell growth as well as blood vessel formation.
  • Insulin-Like Growth Factor – (IGF) provides necessary physiological regulation in nearly every cell.

Behind the scenes, NGF facilitates very sophisticated responses. On the surface, NGF can provide the results you’ve been seeking.

Hair Restoration Treatment

There are two ways in which NGF may be introduced into the hair follicles of the scalp.

One technique is to perform microneedling, which creates micro wounds to superficial tissue. NGF or exosomes are then applied topically where it can penetrate the scalp through the induced injuries. Within a few minutes, the microchannels begin to heal, but not before stimulating nutrients can be absorbed.

An additional and popular technique for NGF hair restoration is to inject platelet-rich plasma or exosomes into the scalp in the area where hair is thinning. Treatment is conducted with a topical anesthetic which numbs the superficial tissue on the head. Injections are then administered to the appropriate area of the scalp.

The introduction of platelet-rich plasma or exosomes into the area of inactive hair follicles stimulates a regenerative process intended to activate dormant growth cycles. Most patients need a series of treatments to achieve optimal results.

How long do NGF injections take for hair restoration?

Injection treatment begins with applying a topical numbing medication to the treatment area and a brief blood draw and
spinning the blood in the centrifuge which only takes a few
minutes total. The injection aspect of treatment is meticulous – injections are positioned every half-inch across the area of thinning. As precise as this step is, it usually takes less than thirty minutes from start to finish.

What Happens After the NGF Procedure?

In most cases, there is zero downtime after NGF hair treatment. Because injections stimulate an inflammatory cascade through which tissue is repaired, patients are advised NOT to take any kind of anti-inflammatory medication to manage comfort. Our staff will discuss appropriate medications or strategies to minimize the discomfort that may occur after injections.

How long will it take to see results?

Consistency is crucial to obtain satisfactory results from NGF hair restoration. Treatments are typically scheduled monthly for a few months. Patients can expect to begin noticing improvement within two to three months. After the initial series of treatments, injections are repeated every three to six months depending on individual response and results.

The initial effect that patients may notice after treatment is that they shed fewer hairs. Over time, they can expect to see an increase in thickness and length.

What Are the Advantages of This Procedure?

Platelet-rich plasma is a promising hair restoration product for several reasons. First, NGF is completely organic; it is harvested from the blood. Treatment is safe and convenient, and it works. NGF can be prescribed as the sole form of treatment or it may coincide with traditional therapies ranging from medications such as Minoxidil to hair restoration surgery.

NGF treatment for hair loss may be appropriate for patients with androgenic alopecia at the crown and hairline. Women with alopecia and men and women with diffuse thinning may also achieve desirable results from appropriate NGF techniques.

What risks are associated with using NGF for hair restoration?

The risk of complications from NGF and exosome hair treatment is very low. Common side effects include minor discomfort at injection sites, , bruising, itching, swelling, and dry scalp.

Hair loss has long been perceived as a normal part of aging. It doesn’t have to be. . Natural hair restoration treatments with NGF and exosomes has demonstrated promising results for people who want to improve the volume and density of their hair. Learn more about natural hair restoration treatment and what it can do for you. Contact us to schedule your consultation.

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